1. Start
  2. Installation
  3. Adding Vehicles
  4. Vehicle Pages/Navigation
  5. Plugin Settings
  6. Search
  7. Shortcodes
  8. Customizing
  9. Translating
  10. Sources and Credits

Pro Car Dealership WordPress Plugin

By Progression Studios

Thank you for purchasing this file. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, visit our support forum.


Installing the player can be download by unzipping your original download. Then you can install the progression-car-dealer.zip file.

After you have clicked install, you can then Activate the plugin and it is now ready to be used!

Adding Vehicles

Once you have installed/activated the plugin, you will have a custom post type of "Vehicles". You can then "Add Vehices", edit vehicles, adjust vehicles models/makes/types, and the plugin settings.

To add a vehicle, just click "Add Vehicle" under the "Vehicles" post type. You can fill out as much or as little information as you would like.

Adding a Featured Image

Adding a featured image is simple. Just click "Set Featured Image" in the right sidebar and upload the image. Then click "Set Featured Image" and select your image. The last step is to click "Use as featured image". See the example below.

Adding Gallery

To add-in a gallery, just click on the "Media" tab. Then click "Add Image" and select the images you want in the gallery. After you have the item selected, click the "Select" button and you will have the images in your gallery. After the images have been added, you can drag/drop to re-order or remove any images from the gallery.

Adding Types, Makes & Models

You can control the Types, Makes & Models from the Vehicles Custom Post Type link. You can adjust these as needed.

The only thing to note is that the Models must refernece a Make. For example,f i you want to add a Honda Civic. You must first add the Honda Make. Then add a Civic Model and have the "Associated Make" be with Honda.

Vehicle Pages/Navigation

By default all of the vehicle pages are created automatically. You can just create a Make or Model and then add a vehicle to it. It will then build itself automatically as an archive.

Adding Pages to Navigation Menu

Adding the vehicle pages to your navigation is simple. Just go under Appearance > Menu and then you can start adding vehicle pages.

By default the plugin will have a "Car Dealer Archive" section. Just click on that and then you can add a link to all "Vehicles" into your menu. Again, this will link to all vehilces.

Adding in more Vehicle Page Options

If you want additional navigation options like linking to Vehicle Types, Makes, and Models. Just click on 'Screen Options' in the top right while editing your Navigation menu. You can add Vehicle Types, Makes and Models to the list of options. Just select hte checkboxes and they will then appear as navigation options.

Visiting Archive Pages Manually

If you want to visit a page with a list of "Vehicle Types", "Makes" and "Models"... Just visit each section under the Custom Post type. From there you can see a list of each. Then hover over the item you want to visit, for example "Car" Vehicle Types. Click on the "View" link and it will allow you to view a list of all Car Vehicle Types. you can do this for Types, Makes, and Models.

Plugin Settings

You can adjust the plugin settings under the "Vehicles" > "Settings". This allows you to adjust currency, separators, mileage and various other fields.

Each tabs allows you to control more of the plugin. You can even add new custom fields if you want. These will atomatically appear in the search bar.


In addition to the search short-code, there are also many other shortcodes.

Vehicle Price Shortcode:


Vehicle Specifications


Vehicle Gallery


Vehicle Description


Add Vehicle Shortcode Into a Template

You can also include any shortcode into a template file. Ex. page.php or something like that. Here is the PHP shortcode for vehicle price:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[vehicle_price]'); ?>


You can easily customize this plugin. There are a number of ways to grab and manimulate the data.

Adjust Information added into post automatically

By default, the vehicle description, specifications, price, and gallery are added to the post content at the bottom.


You can adjust this easily by adding this to your themes functions.php file:

	 * Change the vehicle content
	 * By default the_content() is overwritten by 4 shortcodes:
	 * [vehicle_description], [vehicle_specs], [vehicle_price] and [vehicle_gallery]
	 * Hook to the 'the_vehicle_content' filter to output your own markup.
	 * To manipulate of the output of the shortcodes see their filters (next example)
	add_filter( 'the_vehicle_content', 'my_vehicle_content' );
	function my_vehicle_content( ) {

		$content = '';

		/* 1. The Price */
		$content .= do_shortcode( '[vehicle_price]' );

		/* 2. The Specifications */
		$content .= do_shortcode( '[vehicle_specs]' );

		/* 3. The Description - remove the comment from the next line to display description */
		// $content .= do_shortcode( '[vehicle_description]' );

		/* 4. The Gallery - takes the same attibutes as the built-in Gallery
		 * http://codex.wordpress.org/Gallery_Shortcode
		$content .= do_shortcode( '[vehicle_gallery columns="4" link="file"]' );

		return $content;

You can see an example of this and others in the car dealership plugin folder under /template/functions.php

Template Structure

You can customize the display of the archives and posts easily. You can so by creating these files (They will over-ride the default version of the file.):

The easiest way to start would be duplicating your themes existing files and then adjusting them. For example, duplicate your single.php file and rename it single-vehicle.php. Then any edits to the single-vehicle.php file will over-ride the default file. It will not effect any other areas of the theme, just the plugin templates.

Modifying Shortcodes

Check out examples in the plugin folder under /templates/functions.php file. For example if you wanted to edit the vehicle_specifications output. Use this in your themes functions.php file:

	 * Display the specs in a custom html table

	add_filter( 'pcd/get_specs', 'my_spec_table', 10, 3 );

	function my_spec_table( $html, $specs ) {

		ob_start(); ?>

		<ul id="pro-vehicle-specifications">
			<?php foreach ( $specs as $spec) : ?>
				<span class="spec-label"><?php echo $spec['label'] ?>:</span>
				<span class="spec-value"><?php echo $spec['value'] ?></span>
			<?php endforeach ?>

		<?php return ob_get_clean();

Adding Meta-Data Manually

You can also manualy add-in data via get_post_meta. Here is WOrdPress documetnation on this: http://codex.wordpress.org/Custom_Fields

For example, you can see all of the meta values and their id's via this call. You would use this if you wanted to look-up some meta values that you cannot figure out:

<?php the_meta(); ?>

If you wanted to for instance, pull in the transmission field. You would use this call:

<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'transmission', true) ?>


You can easily translate this plugin via:


Install and activate the plugin and go to Tools > Localization (shown in your language), then follow the instructions on how to translate the plugin.

Sources and Credits

I've used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. Feel free to rate my template as 5 out of 5 stars. If it's not a 5 of out 5, e-mail me and let me know what I can do to improve your experience.

Michael Garcia, mike@progressionstudios.com

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